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African Speech Technology Black-Afrikaans Speech Corpus
African Speech Technology speech and transcription data for the Black-Afrikaans database. The "speech" directory contains Afrikaans speech as spoken by South African speakers whose mother tongue language is one of the indigenous Southern African languages (e.g. isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho).
J.C. Roux
North-West University; Stellenbosch University; University of Transkei; University of Free State (Qwa-Qwa campus); Rhodes University; University of KwaZulu-Natal; University of Western Cape
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa License:
CatchWord Language and Speech Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Roux, J. C., Louw, P. H., & Niesler, T. R. 2004. The African Speech Technology project: An assessment. In Proceedings of LREC, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. pp. 93–96.
Monolingual speech corpora: Annotated
345 Mb (zipped)
*.alaw; *.TextGrid; *.lab; *.t02
African Speech Technology
N/A; Audacity
Telephone speech
Details in: Louw, P.H. Roux, J.C. & Botha, E.C. 2001. Telephone speech databases: Corpus design and contents. In Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg. pp. 2005-2058.
Monolingual Speech Corpora: Annotated
Resource Catalogue
Resource Index
2018-02-05T20:19:13Z; 2018-03-05T17:50:49Z
2018-02-05T20:19:13Z; 2018-03-05T17:50:49Z
Level 0

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Resource Catalogue [337]
    A collection of language resources available for download from the RMA of SADiLaR. The collection mostly consists of resources developed with funding from the Department of Arts and Culture.
  • Resource Index [387]
    A collection of language resource metadata mostly collected during the NHN funded technology audit of 2009, as well as the SADiLaR technology audit of 2018. Not all resources in this collection are available for download.

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